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The 25 days of christmas movies...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It might be much, and we might be in holiday overload by the end, but we are going to try to watch one holiday movie a day.

So far we have seen: (In no particular order)

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Irving Berlin's White Christmas
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Family Stone

So... twenty days to go. Any good holiday movies out there? We need recommendations people!


  1. Blogger Reel Fanatic said:

    The one I have to see absolutely every year is A Christmas Story

  1. Blogger J in Ric said:

    can you believe i have never seen it??? it's on the list for this year.

  1. Anonymous Anonymous said:

    Ohhh I love Christmas movies.
    My absolute favorites are:
    - Muppet Family Christmas (I watch this every year, it's great for kids... muppets, sesame street, and the fraggles!)
    - Charlie Brown Christmas
    - Rudolf
    - Frosty the Snowman (both are the claymation or whatever it's called)
    - Love Actually.. but it's not a kid's movie :P

    thank you for your comment and song suggestion, that one is definitely going on the list!

  1. Blogger Snoskred said:

    This one is for thanksgiving, but I love it.. planes, trains, and automobiles.. ;)

  1. Blogger Creative-Type Dad said:

    Die Hard!

    Nah, just kidding. My fave's are "It's A Wonderful Life", "Charlie Brown" and "Die Hard 2"

  1. Blogger J in Ric said:

    this is great guys... thanks! die hard is a must, i forgot that is christmas-y

    love actually is also great, one of my favorites. i've never seen plane, trains and automobiles, so i plan to add it to the list.

    Thanks guys! these are awesome.

    oh.. and we missed vharlie brown on tv, so i have to go rent it. that is a must

  1. Anonymous Anonymous said:

    WAIT ONE SECOND.....you've never seen a CHRISTMAS STORY???? Ralphie???? oh, you need to rent it tonight....it is hilarious. i also noticed there was no mention of miracle on 34th street, i can't imagine your wife, of all people, would forget that one. and who are we kidding.....home alone is a kid-favorite. and i kinda feel like little women should be in there.....but that could be a hammond thing. love, kate

  1. Anonymous Anonymous said:

    The Ref.

    Kevin Spacey + Dennis Leary = awesome. It is undeniable.

  1. Blogger J in Ric said:

    maxpower: that's a great one. i have to see it again.

    kate: yea.. no christmas story yet, i'll get it done this year. we watched home alone last night, and bad santa. bad santa was awful... there was no redeeming factor at all.

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